Film Review- Twelve Years A Slave

Genre: Film

Grade: A-
Notable People: Chiwetal Ejiofor, Michael Fassbinder, Paul Giamatti, Benedict Cumberbatch, Brad Pitt, Paul Dano, Directed by Steve McQueen
Title: Twelve Years A Slave

Review – Well- as you can see we are obviously back in the land of movies; three good ones in three days. This is one powerful movie that should make you somewhat embarrassed to be a Caucasian. Very powerful story that reflects the title; free black man living a serene life in Saratoga, NY in 1850s gets kidnapped and turned into slavery for 12 years in the deep south. Shocking does not capture it. Well acted and filmed – great support cast and a great performance by the lead actor. It dragged a bit for me, and was a tiny bit predictable- but still a must see. Witching this and “The Book Thief’ in back to back nights may not be all that recommended- you will want to see a Rambo movie after these two- in which the good guys get to kick ass. A very startling commentary on human cruelty and misery.

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