Novel Review- The Sea Runners

Genre: Novel

Grade: A-
Notable People: Ivan Doig
Title: The Sea Runners

Review –I’ve really enjoyed Doig’s work over the last year. This one is a departure from his usual Montana frontier stories. Takes place in mid-19th century Alaska- called New Archangel, which is true and it was a Russian Territory at the time (Sitka area). I guess Sara Palin was right after all and the Commies did walk across the Bering strait. At the time, it was common practice for the Russians to take indentured servants from Sweden for 7-10 years and make them slaves there more or less. This is the story of four Swedes escape adventure and small canoe paddle down the wild Pacific coast all the way to the freedom of Astoria Oregon. Exceptionally well written in a Hemmingway- Melville- esque man against nature style. Short book- fascinating read.

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