Early September Ramble from the Green Mountains

Hello to all from the Green Mountains:

“ Renunciation is not giving up the things of the world, but accepting that they go away” Shunryu Suzuki

Music in Vermont- our local folk club did the last Music on the Green performance in Belmont of the season last week- 15 of us on and around a little gazebo stage as the late day sunshine turned into autumn chill. Got to lead on a few songs –while Lucy ran around like a bat out of hell chasing dogs and kids. There is little crazy video of the proceedings on You Tube you can take a gander at – http://youtu.be/AFqN8XXtueA. We’ve been getting out some to the local outdoor music scene and made a visit to Weston last Sunday to see Gypsy Reel- the local legends (one of whom plays with the folk club). Fair to say- we were the poorest people in attendance at this ritzy little town- but lots of big dogs for the pup to engage with. We also went to annual Pittsfield picnic (about 45 mites away up route 100) and were welcomed to a very small town event with local potluck extravaganza; old timey music, horseshoes, politicos stumping before the primary election and an African family (a jackpot to our count on people of color in Vermont). The little girls had braided hair- which Lucy latched on to  and would not let go of- luckily they were good humored about it. I also had to find a music store to put a pick-up in my new mandolin (Max birthday gift)- which turned out to require an hour’s drive to New Hampshire (surreptitiously crossing the border at night)- when I went back to retrieve it they had mysteriously closed for the day with no notice- so had to go aback a second time- all told six hours of trips to amplify the sound…….. not everything is so close in Vermont.

Saw the last play of the season at Weston Playhouse- a rendering of Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya- set in modern day Vermont- not really sure the Russian satire fits that well in the Green mountains- but it was entertaining. Sad to see the end of the season

Energy in Vermont- costs a damn lot…our electric bills are twice that of Ohio (further from the sun??)- so we are considering becoming part of a solar family (don’t ask) and owning a bunch of panels to undermine the super conglomerate utility collective (like the Russians in Uncle Vanya) and also doing a bunch of energy updates around the house to make the wind go around rather than through our 150 year old structure. So- Vermont (as you might imagine) really supports and subsidizes these improvement (GREEN Mountains!) and we get a number of incentives for doing this ( a bag of pot, I think) and on top of that they had a “find the flock” contest- where you had to spot a moving group of wooden geese on the road somewhere…and Jenn won the contest for a $1000 in improvement ; who knew wooden geese were worth that much…

The Pond…what a mess. I clean it for hours (up to 6000 now) and the scum comes back in a week. I really need a bigger strainer, and Lucy is not much help when she is out staring at me (see photo). We need to rob a bank or something (maybe find another flock?)so we can pay the pond guy to come and start over. We did decide that when we start doing our bed and breakfast the obvious name for it would be The Inn at Scum Pond. On the matter of  waters- we have continued our weekly kayaking-exploring the long and winding sections of Echo Lake for our water lunches.

Hiking and Indian food – we found a really nice trail that was recently finished that goes from downtown Rutland over the Library Pass to nearby Proctor (the marble capitol of the world-all buildings are made of marble)- so last Sunday we packed up Lucy and did the Reynolds Reservoir trail from Proctor- a really nice walk around 3 miles round trip up to the waters. Beautiful day on way up- got soaked from thunderstorm on way back- but found what might be the worlds’ first Indian restaurant in a gas station….better than you might think- so had our lunch while soaked in the car….Lucy didn’t even notice we were eating as she had passed out after her arduous walk on those tiny legs. (bonus- two more people of color- up to 49 now since May)..to top it off- they had cheap gas to go along with the Indian food.

Church- to conserve funds- Larry and Rachel have closed down the weekly services at the Quality Inn in Rutland and moved them to their house (next door)-so every Sunday we now have the Vermont Southern Baptists singing and praying down the driveway….and they have put up their signage on the way to our house(see pix). The evangelical pull is beginning to ferment our minds while we sleep.

That’s it for now- off to pack for the flatlands.

Be well and happy coming of autumn.



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