Film Review- Ex Machina

Genre: Film

Grade: A-/B+
Notable People: Dohmnall Gleeson, Alicia Vikander, Oscar Isaac, Directed by Alex Garland
Title: Ex Machina

Review –Full disclosure- I generally do not like Sci-Fi, but this is an interesting movie. Garland’s directorial debut may be the most complicated film yet made about artificial intelligence, featuring a “dummy” ingénue. Very little in the way of bells and whistles- mostly just a mind blower with a plot that is quite challenging. A much more visceral nuance of the film Her- taking the concept a big step further. The entire film takes place ominously in as secluded mountain fortress and is basically acted by four performers. The acting is very good and Oscar Isaac….oh my. Who is this guy? I really liked him in Llewelyn Davis; then saw him in A Most Dangerous Year and did not recognize it could be the same actor until I saw him on the credits….which happened again with this film. The man is really talented. This one is well worth seeing.

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