The Green Mountains at peak of summer

Greetings from the Greens:

Summer is in full, bloom here- albeit somewhat short of duration; the gardens are blooming, the days and nights are mostly delightful (except it is almost 90 and humid today), local organic tomatoes are starting to make their short term appearance and music and festival is afoot. We have had some torrential rains without any leak from our various porous holes, which is good since we are still waiting for the contractor who was due three weeks ago to show up- ditto for the barn painters we had decided to have work on our old horse barn. Not sure if this is because of lots of business or more of a quite slow  “islands in the mountains” kind of work approach. I have been at the pond for the last two weeks and it has been remarkably good- though it may well be the slime is just waiting for hotter weather so it can come home. I’ve actually had a few swims, which I should say no one else will do- which may be wise since I seem to have developed quite a rash recently (less from swimming I’m guessing than from floating around on an inner tube with a mountain of lake weed that I pulled up laying on top of me).

You can check out pix of the pond in the attached as well as vote on Jen’s new pixie haircut.   ______ Yes, you go girl, that looks like fun and oh so easy  ____________ Are you kidding, you look like a recently released prisoner of war.  All votes will be kept strictly confidential.

The AIRBNB business has been quite brisk for the last two weeks , with quite the international flavor: a woman form Britain, by way of Westchester, a couple from the south of France, a family from Belgium (tomorrow) and a number of single woman picking up their kids at summer camp- one a “foreigner” from the outer reaches of the Bronx, the other a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader…all quite the stimulating range of conversations. Our favorites thus far have been “Jill- Bear” and “Ter- Raz” from France. Not a lot of English but a lot of spirit. We took them to the local music on the green series for “le musicque- heel- bill- lee” and a picnic. Gilbert queried about our now vacant neighbors’ house, left in utter shambles…”Ze house is Dead, non?” All this activity has required Jen to  make the purchase of much new bedding supplies

We have been out wandering around quite a bit. We made another trip to the great Fair Haven Inn to visit “the poets of fish” (honestly, on their card and website- you can look it up). We took our friend Steve, the Jewish Fish Monger-as he supplies the poets their muse- so got treated like royalty by the Greek family that owns the place. We are making a list of eateries Steve supplies so we can go with him and be treated like this regularly. Last Sunday, we made a day trip over to the Connecticut River Valley- first to explore bedding, then for nice hike along the river at Wilgus State Park and then down to the lovely and hip hamlet of Putney for their music on the green. Wow- talk about popular and lively…Lucy went nuts with the music loving dogs. The band- “The Mike and Ruthie Band” from THE Woodstock –was really, really good (even bought a CD). They have been regulars at Levon’s shows at the Ramble and are friends with his daughter Amy, a fine musician in her own right. This also appeared to be the mecca for all the lovely hippie woman who have disappeared to Vermont to become massage therapists…a lot of rubbing going on. The highlight was an original song called “The Ghost of Richard Manual” about the tragic and great singer from THE BAND…find it on the net and give a listen….all in all a wonderful experience.

We have also made the traditional visit to the local scum filled lake (worse than mine) for MT. Holly Daze with our neighbors, gotten in a couple of good kayaks and hikes and made it to our second community supper and play at Weston for this season. The Weston show was a traveling company of the Broadway hit, Peter and the Star catcher- quite a production for  small theater, with a lot of nod and wink British humor (I both nodded and winked). This last Wednesday, we took a drive down to Manchester for the famous Farm Night suppers at the once magnificent (still pretty damn nice) Wilburton Inn. All vegetarian- everything served at the supper is grown on their farm. An absolutely magnificent setting (see the pix) we made some new friends, wonderful shopkeepers from Manchester, who have now become members of this blog community (I sent him all 35 archival editions, and he actually is reading them all….are you?).

So- it’s pretty good to be in the mountains, non? We are off this week for ten days back to Ohio to visit family and friends and do the annul Pelatonia benefit gig, so will talk to you after that…gotta go treat my rash…


Love and Peace….go Bernie,


Stu/ Dad/ Uncle/Cuz/Ferlin’



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