Stu’s Reviews- #201- Album- “Messenger”- Mokoto

Stu’s Reviews

Genre: Album

Grade: A
Notable People: Mokoto
Title: Messenger

Review – Full disclosure…unlimited bias here as this is Max’s band, so you can disregard my opinion if you wish….but this is a really fine album of music. I have listened to it for 2 weeks non-stop in my car and am amazed at the quality. Sound and production are top notch. The singer is wonderful, the rhythm section really tight and lots of very well thought out arrangements. This is African music and sung in native tongues for the most part, so lyrically a bit beyond me. But what sweet melodies. And did I mention, the guitar player is extraordinarily tasteful on riffs ranging from reggae influenced, to classic African to traditional R&B influenced….where did this kid come from (yes- you can guess). This is a fine, fine piece of music. You can find a link to the album at  That’s’ my boy………

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