#216- Film- Hunger Games- Mockingjay Part Two

Genre: Film

Grade: B+

Notable People: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Donald Sutherland, Woody

Harrelson, Directed by Todd Haynes

Title: Hunger Games- Mockingjay Part Two

Review: well- its now over after four years. Jennifer Lawrence went from being a girl to full grown woman, with even some insinuated sex scenes in the movie (nothing too obvious). The fourth and last was well done and had quite the extravagances. The character roles in this film were really great (Woody, Sutherland, PS Hoffman, Elizabeth Banks, Julianne Moore). Stayed pretty consistent with the marvelous books with a semi-happy ending. Lawrence was born for this role. If this is your kind of thing, make an effort to see it on the big screen- it is deserving of that.

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