Stu’s Reviews- #220- Film- The Revenant

Genre: Film

Grade: A-

Notable People: Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, , Directed by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu

Title: The Revenant

Review: Sprawling, violent, dramatic story set in the vast wilderness without a whole lot of dialog. Leo is masterful. Hardy is despicably good. The cinematography is by the incomparable Emmanuel Lubezki and is worth going just to see that- absolutely majestic. There’s no doubt this is a very ambitious film and that the cast, direction and art of filming are all of the highest grade. There are some amazingly brilliant moments here…the bear mauling made me want to crawl under my seat. And, this IS one to see on the BIG screen. I did find it a bit long and at times, tedious. May also be adversely affected by the hype around it. Very good film- not great. Want to see great- watch Jeremiah Johnson from early 70s with a youngish Robert Redford- very similar context, shorter and equally compelling.

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