Stu’s Reviews- #224- Novel- The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto

Genre: Novel

Grade A
Notable People: Mitch Albom
Title: The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto

Review: I absolutely loved this beautiful book. Albom has become quite the writer since he wrote Tuesdays with Morrie. An amazing story of a young orphaned musician in Spain who goes on to become a Rock music legend and leads a mega- mysterious life- all told through the narrative of the ethereal voice of music itself. Frankie is the Forrest Gump of the music genre- interacting with musical legends from the 50s until now- Django Reinhardt, Duke Ellington, Jimi Hendrix, Tony Bennett, The Stones, Roger McGuinn…on and on (did I mention the extraordinary story involving Hank Williams?). What a magnificent and touching story-everyone should read this book- one I read in short intervals; the more to savor all its glory. Just beautiful!

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