Stu’s Reviews- #236- Film- “The Lobster”

Genre:  Film

Grade  B+

Notable People:    Colin Farrell, Rachel Weisz, John C. Reilly, Directed by: Lorgos Yathimos

Title:  The Lobster

 Review: Wow…this may be the strangest movie I’ve ever seen. I’m sure some people would really take exception to my rating- maybe giving it a D or even an F. Suffice it to say, not for everyone. But if you like very, very quirky, art-film, indie movies- this is worth the gambit. We did our usual drive of an hour to go to Dartmouth to see it (got a fine Indian meal in the bargain) and I’m not sure it merits the drive…but the acting was great, it certainty leaves you thoughtful afterwards, and the premise (if there is one) is pretty unique. Basic questions- should the world  only be populated by people who pair up, and convert the rest to some kind of animal? Really, this is the question. You may have to see the film to figure out the answer. If it is near you, maybe worth a try, but who knows. I personally liked it a lot

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