Stu’s Reviews- #242- Album- Mudcrutch

Genre:  Album

Grade  A-

Notable People:    Tom Petty, Benmont Tench, Mike Campbell, Tom Leadon, Randall Marsch  Produced by: Tom Petty and Mike Campbell

Title:  “2”

Review: The second offering form Petty’s original teen years Florida band that went away for thirty plus years and he has now restarted. This is pretty great country/swamp rock. Petty plays bass and is joined by two his ever present “Heartbreakers”  (Tench and Campbell) along with their high school buddies Leadon and Marsch (Leadon is the younger brother of original Eagle lead guitarist , Bernie Leadon). These guys make really cool throwback music and seem to be having the times of their lives doing it. Quite the side project. I dig it!

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