Stu’s Reviews- #243- Novel- If the Dead Rise Not- Philip Kerr

Genre:  Novel

Grade  A-

Notable People:    Philip Kerr

Title:  “If the Dead Rise Not”

Review: I have been fully absorbed this summer with these Kerr books about the rise and fall of the Third Reich. Gunther is a wonderful protagonist- full of both heroic traits and frailties. … a very, very reflective tough guy. The material and the basis in historical truths is fascinating. What an unbelievable culture. This one finds Gunther in Berlin in 1937 trying to stay out of the Nazi’s sight and then in Havana in 1954 where he has been forced to escape due to his SS affiliation. It’s an amazing portrait of Cuba during the Batista regime and right before the Castro takeover…..and full of American gangsters. These books are worth their summer weight in gold.

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