Stu’s Reviews- #244- Film- Florence Foster Jenkins

Genre:  Film

Grade  A-/B+

Notable People:    Meryl Streep, Hugh Grant, Simon Helberg, Directed by: Stephen Frears

Title:  Florence Foster Jenkins

 Review: Well- we finally got to movie up here in the mountains. Surprisingly, the local teen action flick cinema had this one- not sure why. Guess it is the drawing power of Meryl Streep. Wild story about an infamous patron of the arts in NYC in the 1940s, who was determined to have her own singing career, despite not being able to carry a single note. Alternately funny and tragic, it is decent movie, elevated to much loftier heights by Streeps’ typically virtuoso performance. Since she is actually a quite talented singer, she had to learn to sing really off key opera in a convincing way…and boy, does she. Grant does well as her kept and doting husband, and Helberg is magnificent as her reluctant accompanist. The acting makes it a passable A-.



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