Stu’s Reviews- #245- Film- Cafe Society

Genre:  Film   

Grade  A

Notable People:    Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart, Steve Carrell, Parker Posey, Corey Stoll, Blake Lively,  Written and Directed by: Woody Allen

Title:  Café Society

 Review: The Wood-Man is back! I must admit that I have an unbelievable bias towards Woody’s movies- so they are almost always an “A” in my book- though I’m sure many would disagree. My leanings are large enough that we drove an hour and ten each way to Brattleboro to see the new offering (you don’t get the Wood-Man in the mountain cinemas)..and totally worth it. This one is a convoluted love story set in LA and New York in the 30s. Eisenberg follows in a long recent line of actors channeling what Woody used to do himself…. and does it really well. Stewart is too cute for words and Carrell is magnificent as a fast talking big-shot Hollywood agent. Check out the lighting, and the costumes and the general attention Woody gives to detailing the era….and the story…what’s not to like? It has 30’s Cinema sirens, legendary studio types, Errol Flynn legends, mobsters, the usual Woody-Jewish mother (“if Jews believed in the afterlife, we’d have a lot more customers”), great shots of New York, and a perfectly cast cameo from Paulie-Walnuts (The Sopranos). As expected, the music is marvelous and the whole production creates an aura only Woody can give you. And though he no longer appears, Woody narrates the whole shebang. Added bonus- at every twist and turn, an older woman in the rear of the theater would loudly shout ”OY”…..Loved it. Want more……and soon.

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