September Comes to the Greens

Beloved earthlings and flatlanders:

“I am the grapevine, you are the grapes”   Western Koan

See THE Pond………it rained hard this morning…for the first time in six weeks, which might possibly relieve me from pumping water (with three 100 foot hoses, which leads to no water in the house0 )down to the pond to try and fill up the dry canyon….we will need rain for seven days and seven nights if it is going to fill up before next spring…friend Phil says that I am Captain Ahab and THE POND is my WHALE…….

See the Barn Roof…who came up with this color shingles…let me search around the house and find the project-maven………

See Jenn’s hair…and then send her a sympathy card with deep thoughts …she is traumatized by her brazen switch to being brunette…

See our new favorite secret hiking place-…..just down the road a bit, but I can’t tell you where, or I’d have to kill you …short hike down to a magnificent gorge….nude swimming possibilities…warm rocks to sit on for lunch….only crawfish in Vermont!

See bad music fest and good music fest…we did the haul up to charming Randolph last Sunday for their “New World” music fest…turned out to be confined to a small tent with lots of daytime  drinking, people were not friendly, and they did not care for Lucy…NOT…so back down route 100 we buzzed to catch tail end of the Blues and Folk Fest at Calvin Coolidge birthplace in Plymouth (learned that CC was the first hang glider!) ……..gorgeous setting, God-like day, great acoustic blues, folk and jazz,,,…and a good place to hide out from the Labor Day tourist blitz

See Stu and Jenn go to find a movie…an hour an ten minutes each way to the  grand old hamlet of Brattleboro to see the new Woody Allen movie, Café Society…not complaining, absolutely worth the drive (see the review)..and had Thai dinner in the bargain…but still, can’t we have adult movies and ethnic food in the mountains?

See Lucy swim…the girl hates the water, but she hates it much more to be separated from her pack…so we spent an incredible early fall day kayaking at nearby Lake Nineveh with no one else there (got to love post Labor Day mountain life), with the little beast hurtling herself into the water each time one of our kayaks drifted away from the other one. She wound up swimming the entire lake in her littler orange life vest…….her tiny legs churning, nose snorting, head proudly and barely above the surface….that was Friday and she has been sleeping ever since……

Jen is outside scouting out more projects for the day (yesterday we cut down, cut up and removed a massive dead tree)- so I have to finish this and go hide for when she comes searching for me…heading to Dartmouth this afternoon for a bit more culture…

Enjoy the coming of the leaves and spread peace and love…..and register to vote in multiple states.




PS- check out photo #1- it is the shot that was featured on front page the statewide newspaper from our participation in THE Garden tour…The Inn at Scum Pond is quite impressive, no?


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