Stu’s Reviews- #246- Film- Hell and High Water

Genre:  Film   

Grade  A

Notable People:    Jeff Bridges, Chris Pine, Ben Foster, Directed by: David Mackenzie

Title:  Hell and High Water

 Review: Dusty, West Texas shot film about two brothers becoming bank robbers to remedy the sins brought against their family by the oil- greed consumed local banks. Pine and Foster are excellent as the one go out in a blaze of glory and one sullen, reluctant brother. Bridges owns the role of the about to be retired Texas ranger – hoping for one last gasp. Dark and gritty, compelling, full of sadness. On a par with the Coen Brothers “No Country for Old Men” film a few years ago. and…great West Texas outlaw music to boot. This one’s a keeper. (and only drove an hour each way to see it!)

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