Leaf Peepin’ Starts in Earnest in the Greens

Yaba-Daba-Doo..the Leaves are here and you should be too……….

“Follow your Bliss”……Joseph Campbell

What a time- feels sublime. Wu-wee, ride me high…nothin’ could be finah’ than to be Vermont sun-shinah’ in the mornin’……Big week, as we seek, the leaves a’ peep, got to keep…make the leap

Fall outings time- up to the Islands (yes, yes….we have Islands dear)…hikes…sunsets (captured for Max)…dunes……books to read, gardens to weed…the usual cottage on the big (BIG) lake…post summer mortem…no one else but us, the Lucy beast and the loons…who are the loons anyway? we always just show up…”Alan, can we stay tonight….Stu, can’t you ever call ahead…would ruin the fun, no?”

How can it be 75 in the northern climes so late in the fall…how? how? how?…yow, yow, meow, holy cow……too good, yes? driving home after the sunsets…what a day, try a new way…over the BIG gap at Lincoln…rollin’, rollin’, rollin’…rawhide….oh, the colors…magic carpet ride….YAAAAAAAA….YIPPEE….

More colors in Vermont….YIKES……Asian guests from JERSEY CITY….oh, it’s a metaphor…bring me more…yes, yes. more…NEW neighbors for the shack…and BLACK….oh my Jack, what will the natives say….four little brown babies… come to grandma and grandpa….just increased our local Diversity pop by 600%….holy jumping’ juniper…

Jenn is now a Vermonter….nine trips to the BMV….46 hours of work…and the little green plate on the little white car….see Jenn’s car, not that far, who she are?

See Stu the photo- man…throw his pix in the can….go, man, go…..1st three shots of this week’s highlight reel folks…those are my winners….maybe…who knows…thar she blows…see Lucy the traveler…I wanna go, I wanna go…assume the position, girl-beast

Way too much, and as such, gotta go, gotta go….DIG on  the pix-lots this week and BACK  on –line too….modern thru an thru…who are you, who are you?



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