Stu’s Reviews- #253- Film- Allied

Genre:  Film

Grade  A-

Notable People:   Brad Pitt, Marion Cotillard, Jared Harris, Lizzy Caplan, Directed by: Robert Zemeckis

Title:  Allied

Review:  A different kind of film from the director of Back to the Future and Forrest Gump, this is a love and heartbreak story set in Casablanca and London during the middle years of World War Two. Filled with great detail of the times and the underground resistance movement, it morphs into a spy thriller halfway through. Cotillard is simply luminous- a landmark actress and a vision in 40s wartime garb. Pitt is his usual self- not particularly noteworthy , but a good role for him. Lots of twists, turns and surprises and suddenly quite emotional. I liked this film a lot- a good addition to the recent spate of movies about the great war. The early scenes shot in Casablanca will have you waiting for Rick and Ilsa to appear at Rick’s Café American.  Round up the usual suspects….

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