Stu’s Reviews- #255- Novel- Endangered

Genre:  Novel

Grade  A

Notable People:   C.J. Box

Title:  Endangered


Review:  This is the 15th in the Joe Pickett series from C.J. Box- mystery novels with the protagonist, Pickett, a game warren in remote Wyoming. If you like offbeat settings and stories, these are not to be missed. Box has won every award imaginable for mystery writers and is clearly one of the master practitioners of this art who is writing today. The novels just keep getting better, with great characters and descriptions of the Rocky Mountain culture and lifestyle. Joes’ sometime friend and colleague, the ultra-enigmatic Nate Romanowski, is a character for the ages. Sit down with book one of the series  for the winter and you’ll be set for reading for the season..…if you are serial type. Vunderful, vunderful, vunderful.

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