Leaving the very wet Greens

Ola Amigos et Familia:

“If I knew the way, I would take you home”…..Jerry Garcia and Robert Hunter

Holy shit…rain, rain, rain…we have been here 35 days and it has rained 30 of them…not just wet but wet and cold (barely cracking 60 most days and in THE 30s at night)…..we seemed to have lost summer here in the mountains…and on top of it, who would have thought that Vermont would be providing ammo for the moron-in-chief’s no climate change beliefs? It has been so wet…that we have fall foliage happening in some high places….in mid-May!!!!!


So this is going to be a short ZEN for the week in the mountains. I’m off to cross the pond tomorrow to  meet up with the prodigal in Madrid for ten days in Spain and Portugal. Eight hour flight preceded by another 8 hours of me getting to JFK by car, Amtrak, railroad and subway…you know traveling from the mountains is no green pickle……

Had our fist Airbnb guests last Sunday night- a delightful older couple form Normandy (France, not Oklahoma), Eveline and Jean Michel, who spoke almost no English…but still were able to express their disdain and amazement at The Donald…how embarrassed we are to claim him (can you say Monsieur Ber-Nie?). Very nice visit with lots of laughs and hugs and many hand signals…

Jen left for  six days in Cleveland with new grand-baby Quinn and has been walking around the whole time with Quinn attached to her via front-pack…..while she weeds, cleans and mows…as soon as she left-the sun came out for two days, which left me all the yard chores. I usually take a lot of care of little Lucy, but leave the loco cats to Jenn…so this week I have spent a copious amount of time attending to their screaming needs to be fed three times a day…plus one poops only outside the litter box and one pukes regularly after each meal. I tried putting them out this morning to see if they might just go away, but all they did was puke, shit and cry to get back in….Went to the dump this morning, where the Dump Master and mountain clairvoyant, Kevin. accosted me for coming without the little lady, and swore he would  come down and give her multiple hugs and squeezes when she returned…apparently he misses her…

I’ve been  trying to reach old Jeb, the local stoned mason and master of the towns’ music equipment via e-mail, text and phone for months to ask for his assistance for when the Bunty boys come out to play a gig  in August…but no returns calls or contact…..and then I discovered him across from the general store this week busy building a wall that The Donald would admire, though he seemed to try and hide when I came to get him…this is the way missions area accomplished in the mountains….tracking and trapping..

After an hour of trying to open the five gallon container (hermetically sealed) and finally ripping it to shreds with the Zaw-Saw, I have inserted ten packets of all purpose, earth restoring and pond healing Bacteria this week…so now we wait for crystal clear blue waters to appear….or so they say…

Well- time to take a small- pond break and get ready to head across the big one (do they use Bacteria on it, does it have algae?)…have to figure out how to last ten day with 22 pounds of luggage (weight restrictions for Spanish airlines)…so off to gather and weigh….

Adios for now…back in a couple of weeks….say you will miss me-just say it…

Buenos Dias,



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