Stu’s Reviews- #281- Novel- “The Poacher’s Son”

Genre:  Novel

Grade  B/B+

Notable People:   Paul Doiron

Title: The Poacher’s Son

Review:  First novel  in the series about a Maine Game Warden, takes place in remote Maine, and is a surprisingly complex yarn, about fathers and sons, the great north woods, and the lasting strengths of the ties that bind us…..and of course, murder and mayhem.  I had trouble at the start of this one and almost put it down. Doiron’s writing felt stiff to me and not quite the quality of the “mystery” people I’ve been reading lately (CJ Box, Philip Kerr, Archer)…but I have to admit- he seemed to get better and find a groove as the book wore on. Not a great writer- but maybe getting better….and a very strong sense of this place in the very remote part of Maine…..and that, serves him, and us, well. I’m going to give another one a try.

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