Stu’s Reviews- #282- Novel- “Badlands”- CJ Box

Genre:  Novel       

Grade  A-

Notable People:   CJ Box

Title: Badlands

Review:  Frigid winter in North Dakota, a young autistic boy who witnesses a major drug killing and winds up with the booty, , the baddest drug gang in America, a young woman who is the Sheriff’s new Chief Investigator trying to fend off the hostility of the local law enforcement good ol’ boys club, dirty cops, meth heads…..and decapitations left and right….good formula for a new series from Box, who is the author of the wonderful Joe Pickett: Wyoming Game Warden series. Cassie Dewell is his first shot at a female lead character and he does it really well. Compelling story, good characters, gear portrait of the barren wasteland. Box is at the top of his game.

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