Stu’s Reviews- #292- Film- Wind River

Genre:  Film

Grade:  A-

Notable People:  Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Grahame Greene, Directed by: Taylor Sheridan

Title:  Wind River


Review:  Did not know much about this film except that: A- it got 5+ stars in the Vermont state alternative paper B- it was an “Indian reservation” thriller and C- it was atypically at the local mall theater in Rutland, where usually bad movies go to die. So- a very nice surprise. Very good suspense film with a significant moral undercoating (young woman’s fate on the reservation). Renner is really good, Greene laconically fine, as always- and Olsen better than you’d think. The cinematography is A- plus and the plot is captivating. The shootout scene might have been a bit much and the way the facts are revealed seemed a bit heavy handed….but, hell, it was a very rainy day in Vermont, and this was great.

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