Too Much FUN in the Mountains….and Beyond..

Hello in there:

“Do not worry about what others may do to you. Strive only to know yourself completely. Then, you can move in the world like the wind. Who can command the wind?”……… Mooji (is that a name?)

Buying sliced nova,

I feel a whole smoked whitefish

giving me a look…………………………………………………………………………………….Haikus for Jews

So- were you worried when you woke up at noon on Sunday…and there was NO BLOG?……C’mon be honest, did you think I deserted you? Went to an Ashram? Decided to write poetry instead?….Well, here I am- back from THE big city….only slightly (or a bit more) worse for the wear….., and HERE FOR YOU……..

But…one man can only say so much (you’d think!?!)…so I’m REALLY going to keep this one short…..mainly because every picture tells a story, story (the man with the great hair said)…and… there are an awful lot of them this week. So….make your own captions….

After I left off last Sunday , we took Sister Jane for a ride in the mountains amidst the glory of late afternoon, early autumn, sun-drenched mountain light (that’s a mouthful), made a visit to Farmer John for the fresh milk Jen insists on, and headed to town for the Sunday night ritual of dinner at the wonderful East and late night trip to the grocery. She left on Wednesday – to go back to the land locked heartlands, but not before we had a magnificent day of kayaking and a birthday dinner for the two birthday girls (sisters with the same birthday) at The Castle in Ludlow, which is designed to make you feel like you have stepped into 18th century Bavaria….and falls only slightly short. Jenn took Jane back to Manchester for her flight and I wandered of in search of normalcy, which led me up the mountain searching for a sign or something…no signs- but lots of color in the woods….

You have also, I’d  venture, wondered ,what the hell is going on with THE POND. Well, I can only say it is still very clean and tidy, but now about half full as the water seeps away into the earth and the frogs seek new and better accommodations. I’m settling for clean for this summer, and will seek more fullness another spring…but, still better than the strainer in any case…

And then there are the phones…..we have had our yearly breakdown of our modem based cell phone booster, which means no phone service of any kind at the Inn.…so have to make regular trips up the mountain and stick out a leg and arm in divining mode, to find a signal just to say hello…..we returned from being away late this afternoon to find all the little green lights on for the hated machine, so apparently the mountain phone fairies came while we were gone, and graced us with occasional dial tones……… , better to write….

As for the voluminous pictures, we just spent a long weekend in New York with the kiddies. Stayed at their temp digs in Park Slope in Brooklyn, which in my day was somewhere only gangbangers went, but now is filled mostly with gay married woman with baby carriages. We walked, we ate, we walked, we ate, we walked , we ate…..we rode a lot of subways, saw a lot of strange people, checked out the wannabe mob guys at little Italy’s’ San Genaro festival, found a $20 per ticket OFF Broadway show (not too far off, at least in distance)………we walked, we ate…..and took pictures.

Sunday, we made like commuters and went out to Westchester County – to Tuckahoe (really!)- and met an army of my new found –long lost cousins for a family reunion kind of deal. Eighteen of us took over the Italian joint across from the metro station..…and reestablished connections we never had in the first place. It was a beautiful and moving day. I LOVE no longer being the Patriarch; having found even older relatives to pass that on to. Then we went back to the city and walked and ate some more.

So after a day that started with an hour and half subway ride from Brooklyn to The Bronx and ended with a four hour drive back home through the mountains………Done.

Go in Peace,


Father Stu


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