Genre: Novel
Grade: B/B+
Notable People: Linda Castillo
Title: Breaking Silence
Review: This is the third in Castillo’s Kate Burkholder series (and 3rd I’ve read and reviewed)- which centers on a lapsed Amish police chief who comes back (from the Sodom and Gomorrah of Columbus) to the fictional town of Painter’s Mill in the real Holmes County, Ohio- in the heart of Ohio Amish country. Kate is a very interesting and complex character, the books are quite engaging and Castillo writes well. If you’ve lived in Ohio and/or are familiar with the Amish culture- there is a lot here to like……and the same even if you haven’t/are not. That said, I found this one a bit too farfetched for my tastes. How many serial or quite multiple murders can there be in Holmes County? Despite that, I still think this is a find for serial readers of any stripe, and the culture she explores is quite interesting and thought provoking