Stu’s Reviews- #297- Novel- Ivan Doig- “Rode with me Mariah Montana”

Genre: Novel

Grade: A-

Notable People: Ivan Doig

Title: Ride with me Mariah Montana

Review: This is the third in Doig’s Montana Trilogy, written in the 80s and 90s and focused on almost 100 years in the life of a Montana family. This one cones absolutely full circle in which Jick MacAskill is now in retirement age and engaged in celebrating the 100th anniversary of Montana’s’ statehood, by traveling all over the state (and I mean all over) with his eccentric daughter and her former husband as they cover the centennial for the newspaper through words and pictures. The book started so slow I thought about cashing in by page 25, but stuck with it..….for major reward. Slow, slow…..but beautiful. a love song to Montana and every nook and cranny of it. Doig is self-effacing to the max and writes with great fondness for his characters. I spent two weeks finishing this book an came to savor it’s slowness. Heed for it to end. and by the way, it’s a well written story that reaches back 50 years and ends up looking to the future.

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