Stu’s Reviews- #305- Film- “The Disaster Artist”

Genre: Film

Grade: A

Notable People: James Franco, Dave Franco, Seth
Rogan, Directed by: James Franco

Title: The Disaster Artist

Review: I LOVED this film. Truly eccentric –truly bizarre. This is the story of the making of what is generally regarded as the worst film ever made- “The Room”. The original was made in the late 90s at the unbelievably high production cost (at the time) of six million dollars and shown for one night in one theater. It has now become a cult favorite- having midnight showings where everyone knows every word of the inane dialog (like Rocky Horror). The two main participants have never made another film- but are alive and infamous. This rendering is subtly funny beyond belief and Franco is unbelievably spot on as the extraordinarily weird Tommy Wiseau. Half way through the movie I began to really like it and found it riveting from there on. This is one strange film.

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