Stu’s Reviews- #308- Film- “Molly’s Game”

Genre: Film

Grade: A

Notable People: Jessica Chastain, Idris Elba, Kevin
Costner, Micheal Cera, Directed by: Aaron Sorkin

Title: Molly’s Game

Review: this film caught me off guard. Did not expect much, and got an awful lot. This is Sorkin’s directorial debut- after years as a screen writer and playwright (“A Few Good Men”, “The West Wing”). It is an absolutely brilliant first effort- with a dialog that never quits- keeping you on your toes for the entire film. Chastain is marvelous-playing totally against type, and meets her match in Elba- her reluctant lawyer fighting the Justice Department . The story itself is fascinating (Chastain plays the woman who runs giant high stakes poker games for years in LA and then New York). The sets and scenes seem ultra-dead-on and the characters, though limited portraits, are fascinating. Best Costner performance in years and Cera is his usual droll, excellent self. This movie was a real surprise……..really, really liked it.

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