Stu’s Reviews- #320- Book- “Oracle Night” – Paul Auster

Stu’s Reviews

Genre: Book

Grade: A-

Notable People: Paul Auster

Title: Oracle Night

Review: I have been on quite an Auster kick over the last six months and none of his work disappoints…but this was quite a shift from the joie de vivre of “Brooklyn Follies”. Back to very, very dark Auster…with plots within plots within plots….so much so that you have to stop and consider which story line you are on. Oracle Night is the title of story by a writer within a story Auster is wring about a writer (figure that out). On top of all the writers writing stories , the protagonist ,Sid’s, story, is quite convoluted as well. Auster always does a great job of capturing internal dialog and external setting (Brooklyn-his favorite),and this book is hard to put down (I finished the 180 pages so in three days)- but I found the ending surprisingly dissatisfying…..seemed like an easy way out. Still, Auster is Auster…which makes it worth the effort.

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