Spring has Again Sprung in the Greens…and Aunt Sadie Comes to Town

Guten Tagin:

“I was lying in a burned out basement, with a full moon in my eyes
I was hoping for replacement, when the sun burst through the sky”………………………………………………………………….Neil Young

“When I die, I wanna go out like my granddad did. Passed out in his sleep…not like the other screaming passengers in the car”……………………..Willie Nelson

“The sparkling blue sea
Reminds me to wait an hour
After my sandwich.”………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Haikus for Jews

Spring has definitely sprung in the mountains, though it is still pretty cool-had a night in the 20s this week….and pretty rainy. Not much has happened this week, aside from the greening of the Greens, so thought I would try to do some choice updates and leave it at that…plus…well, you have to wait…

The trees….are all green and blossomed overnight this week

THE POND- is full and spouting water from the fountain twice a day for several hours….none of our trout farm citizens seem to be apparent after the winter…no carcasses… where did they go?

Baby Quinn turned one year old and ate cake…with Nanna Jenn in attendance

Jenn got back Tuesday from five days cavorting in Cleveland….and has been buried somewhere out in the garden ever since …I believe currently lying under two yards of mulch

Tess and Jake are closing on their new house in a few weeks and have sold their current one…movin’ on up

Max is closing on his new and first house, in Paradise, also in few weeks…..movin’ to the other side of the tracks

Tess had a slight fall up (not down) this week on the basement stairs….and hurt her finger, but the baby did not come out

The CAVS remain alive after thrashing the C’s last night

The Jewish Pig Farmer and his bride….are now The Jewish Pig and Solar Farmer…..they are doing weight watchers with some success, but go out to dinner once a week , and all bets are off…..we went to eat with them last night at Mojo in Ludlow….and they ordered everything on the menu….we were there a long time…

We have finally installed our new SMART TV and it has totally outsmarted us…..we have no idea how to work it

Nikki, the post mistress, has applied for a better paying job at a PO over in hated New Hampshire….and has disappeared without telling anyone…..but WE know….

Kevin, the Walrus Dump Master, suggests Jennifer should come live with him for week, and fill up his garbage

Without any sensible people around right now, the Folk Club has become the out- of- control jammin’ club….someone is a bad influence…

Keven, the cantankerous owner of the General Store….had a near fatal fire this week overnight……only hours after telling us how much he hated his place and wanted to get rid of the store…subtle!

The Jewish Fish Monger is getting us tickets to go to Boston and see the Sox next weekend…..I’ll be sure to wear my Cavs t-shirt and earplugs

After a month of Jonesing……Stu went off to Waterbury this week for a Governors Council meeting and an overnight at the Marriott….and thought about just moving in there…..there is really good Thai food across the street, a hot tub, mountain views, and no house projects or pickup trucks looming

AND…our baby, Lucy, is going to turn four in a week or so…we took her on an early birthday treat to the market yesterday, where she encountered a pet pig on a leash…she was in disbelief and thought she had gone to hog heaven…especially when the pig started shitting in the middle of the market, which Lucy thought was expressly for her to roll around in..…suitably aromatic, she then went shopping ta Walmart, where she is loved no matter how she smells………………………..

So…you are probably wondering what is it with Aunt Sadie….and what the hell she has to do with The Blog? Well, truth be told, I was thinking yesterday afternoon that I did not want to do the dam blog thing this week, and maybe I could pacify my angst ridden readers by just telling a story…..then it morphed into a few short sentences about the week as a lead in to the story…AND…the story…..and then I got into the whole thing, and you get the above ranting..…but I promised the story anyway. So the story you get.

My Great Aunt Sadie worked in the Garment district in the city for almost 50 years. This was during the Golden Age of this place, where 90% of the all the world’s clothes were produced in this tiny corner of the big city that stretched for eight blocks by four blocks centered on 7th Avenue in Manhattan in the high 30s. The enclave flourished in the 1920s up through the 1970s before China started making all our clothes a lot cheaper. Sadie was a master seamstress working in one of the zillion sweat shops for 12 hours day, six days week for all those years. But, every day at noon sharp, she walked over to 7th and 38th, and met up with her coffee klatch colleagues of Yiddish speaking, Eastern European immigrant women for a light lunch and little master Yenta activity. Some herring, a bit of chopped liver, a smoke and a glass tea….and then she would head back to the shop to work until long after dark. One particular overcast and drizzly day, Sadie was on her a back to the shop- when a tall, gaunt man jumped out at her from a doorway along 33rd St. He had on a long raincoat and boots showing underneath. The man blocked Sadie’s’ way, and opened his raincoat to show her his naked boy underneath. Aunt Sadie stood there in the drizzle, looked him up and down for several minutes..….and in her very heavily accented English, said (you have to hear the accent!)……..”you call that a lining”……………..

Let the sun shine……….


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