Stu’s Reviews #329- “Book” – “The Gatherings”- Anne Enright

Genre: Book

Grade: B

Notable People: Anne Enright

Title: The Gatherings

Review: found this one in the community library’s junk pile and took a chance. VERY tough read. Not badly written, but very slow and laborious. I wanted to stop, but too stubborn. Rural Ireland story told by a sister after the mysterious death of her younger brother…a tortured lad all his life. They were two of 12 siblings and the story goes back and forth to the time of the grandmother, and their growing up and the present. A LOT of anguish, with not much redeeming about the characters. Hard lives, broken promise, incest and a family that more or less hates each other. A lot of sex and religion underneath…well, I got through it. aye?

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