Stu’s Reviews #332- “Book” – “Walking the Perfect Square”

Genre: Book

Grade: B/B+

Notable People: Reed Farrell Coleman

Title: Walking the Perfect Square

Review: Coleman is new one for me…one of many on my annual list from my friend and mentor on all things literature- Neil Berman. This was a good read, though maybe not as stimulating as some of the other hard boiled urban detective type series he has guided me to. Coleman’s protagonist, Moe Prager, is a recently retired (because of knee injury) NYC cop in the late 70s. He is Jewish (significant), self-effacing and really aimless….until he gets pulled into a high level political stakes drama. Well written with a very real feel of the city in the late 70s with lots of timely cultural references ( CBGBs, Son of Sam, etc.) I got lostt at times in the chronology of the story, which occasionally moved forward to the late 90s…but enjoyed the read and will try more of the series.

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