Full Summer Approaches the Mountains

Happy- Pappy Day to all:

“It could mean something. It could mean everything”………………………………………………………………………. Mary Oliver

“I can hit that”………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Stu watching Red Sox knuckle ball pitcher Steven Wright throw a two-hitter

“Since the divorce, I’ve been holding my own”……………………………………………………………………………………Sign over the Men’s urinal at the Country Girl Diner in Chester, Vermont

“ I sink he eez a campleet eediot”………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Former Canadian Trade Minister describing Donald Trump on NPR

Happy- Pappy Day to all:

“It could mean something. It could mean everything”………………………………………………………………………. Mary Oliver

“I can hit that”………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Stu watching Red Sox knuckle ball pitcher Steven Wright throw a two-hitter

“Since the divorce, I’ve been holding my own”……………………………………………………………………………………Sign over the Men’s urinal at the Country Girl Diner in Chester, Vermont

“ I sink he eez a campleet eediot”………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Former Canadian Trade Minister describing Donald Trump on NPR

It’s been an interesting and varied week in the Greens. We have a dinner party tonight…..for 15 of our bestie mountaineer friends, and have not done shit yet to prepare anything….plus country living has reared its ugly head again, and we snapped the belt on our mower yesterday afternnooon….so another challenge for the city folk to get remedied in the coming hours….all to say, it’s back to the Zen report this week.

The erstwhile neighbors….the Jamaican family from Connecticut- showed up last weekend after a year missing in action, and hacked down the jungle around their “early- condemned” style house, that provides such a nice introduction as you drive up the dirt road to our Inn at Scum Pond……they showed up with a crew and set up camp in the barn yard- roasting up some goat and such….the kids came up on a hot Sunday afternoon and were the first people brave enough to step into The Pond this year…have I mentioned we are still getting water temperature warnings each week from the national weather service?

My beloved missing sneaker is still missing in action, though I had young Ian spend an hour of his yard boy time last Sunday out on the side of the highway whacking down the grass in a ridiculous attempt to find it where the other one showed up…and now, in my desperation I have posted a $25 reward on the town’s email blast to see if I can find my own Cinderella……who embraces change?

We had out monthly mountain haircut adventure last week, when our British -Salon maestro ,Tracey, showed up unexpectedly with her scissors, smock and trimmers, and proceeded to cut both of our heads out on the deck, while guzzling several glasses of wine spritzer…tuned out well despite…that’s how we roll in the Greens………

And then….we went nuts with our no-lo carb redux …busting out with a trip to East for Chinese, pizza and a half box of chocolate for one meal….,and a ride/hike expedition on Tuesday that somehow led us to Roxie’s Famous Fries stand over by Castleton…clearly our bodies (or psyches) needed some carbs and sugar….we are back now to being contrite and mindful…sort of…….

We did a quick 24 hour trip down to Gotham this week for dinner with all my newly acquired cousins…hosted by my oldest cousin, Howard…to whom I have joyfully relinquished patriarch duties for the family. Went back to this upscale Italian joint….Angelina’s of Tuckahoe (really)….it was a wonderful family diner , but I found myself quite distracted by the sprinkling of mob types shouting fagetaboutit throughout the meal…and more distracted when I went to the bathroom and saw the number of bulges underneath their sports jackets….was expecting to find an old fashioned toilet with the pull chain on the back, the kind you can hide a gun behind. We spent some time at the hospital where my cousin Joel had just had back surgery…and that was it…long drive, dinner, apartment living, bagels, hospital, long drive back, stop at the diner…the complete city experience. We left the sweltering 85 degree concrete heat….and arrived back to 50 degree temps at the mountain hamlet…….slept for ten hours after that one….

Zipped down to the opioid center of Vermont on Friday night, Bellows Falls, for the monthly art thing, which this month was “The Art of Resistance”…galleries, music, video-all centered on the idea of lynching the Donald and his cronies…..Lucy loved the open galleries where she was welcomed in, loved and cooed over by all and positioned herself under the refreshment table and basically insured no cleanup would be required for the droppings……

We had considered finishing the art trip by going to the local Chinese restaurant, Joy Wah, which is in this amazing setting up on a bluff high over the Connecticut River…but found thy were shut down by the Health Dept. for being caught skinning and butchering pigs for roast pork in their back yard….not sure why there is a problem with that- I would think it makes for very fresh Char Sue Ding……..

So- wound up stopping at the Country Girl Diner, in Chester, on the way home, which is only open evenings on Fridays, has a crowd of VERY regulars and is Cash-Only…..we had to dig out the car of change and add up everything before we ordered- to be able to afford dinner……but, it was classic…

Saturday was our usual supply day to town…but in addition to all the usual suspects (we were so excited by this, we were up and out of bed at six to get to Rutland where nothing is open until 9 am) we stopped at the regional super-duper mall for the first time this year, for the sneaker replacement hunt. This place is wild…like a ghost town…built on 50 acres with parking for 5000 cars and there is no one there….almost all the stores are shut down, and the whole place had maybe 50 customers- not including the walkers, joggers and shoplifters…..its like the lost city of shopping………………………..

I gotta go and see a man about a belt….gotta go….hot and humid…people coming….dinner to be made……Pond to clean……..ay…yay…yay…

If you like it and you know it, clap your hands….where are my loyal readers? and their feedback? not hearing from many folks this year…so drop me a line and let me know if you still love blogging, missives and oratory…..

Big Papi

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