Stu’s Reviews #337- “Book” – “Accordion Crimes”- Annie Proulx

Genre: Book/Stories

Grade: B+

Notable People: Annie Proulx

Title: Accordion Crimes

Review: This 1996 set of stories by Proulx could be considered one long intricate novel- the story follows the travels and transfer of a mythic Green Accordion through two centuries, multiple owners, many tragedies and many transformations. Some similarity with the great film, The Red Violin…but I liked the film better than this book. Proulx is an unbelievable writer…her attention to details of all sorts is simply amazing, and her narratives are gripping. That said, this book waxed and waned for me- some of the stories more compelling than others….and it awful long. Then again, my great friend, the Naven (AKA Flaco), an accordion player of some repute, loved this book when I got it for him some years ago. You have to be up to the challenge of the writing.

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