Stu’s Reviews #349- “Book” – “The Locked Room” – Paul Auster

Genre: Book

Grade: B+

Notable People: Paul Auster

Title: The Locked Room

Review: Been on a Paul Auster kick for last six months….great, great writer. As I’ve said before, his books are beyond dark, and this one does not drift away from that supposition. This is the third and last of his New York trilogy- preceded by The City of Glass and Ghosts-all published in the mid-80s. These are high quality endeavors- but somewhat difficult books to read. Very, very heady, with little action. Most of it takes place inside his head…which is quite full of very dark thoughts an images. All three books are a variation on one central character-the mysterious Fanshawe-who seems to represent some lost part of Auster himself. They are somewhat mystery-oriented in genre, but that would be over simplifying the case…they are pilgrimages of a man’s quest for illumination and resolving lost causes. If you get that, you might like these books…not certain that I get it…or that I really like them. Still, great literature is great literature…like it or not.

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