Stu’s Reviews #350- “Book” – “Among the Wicked” – Linda Castillo

Genre: Book

Grade: B+

Notable People: Linda Castillo

Title: Among the Wicked

Review: this is the umpteenth entry in the wonderful Kate Burkholder series set in Amish Ohio. Chief Burkholder is now in a hot and steamy relationship with the damaged by charming agent Tomasetti from the Ohio BCI (figure it out)…and gets into more trouble than one could imagine happening in an Amish community. The ends seem a bit predictable to me, but the writing is really good, the evildoers unforgettable and Burkholder is a restrained hottie. I read this book in two days flat, so it…moves. This is not life changing literature……but want a quick satisfying, voyeuristic read…..go for the Chief.

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