Stu’s Reviews #359- “Film” – “The Mule”

Genre: Film

Grade: A-/B+

Notable People: Clint Eastwood, Dianne Wiest, Bradley Cooper, Lawrence Fishburne, Andy Garcia,

Directed by: Eastwood

Title: The Mule

Review: At this stage of his life, Eastwood makes must-see films. This is not a great film, but he is worth seeing it for. Does his usual job of well nuanced directing and telling a compelling story….with a few too many conveniences. But…Clint….really stretches himself. Probably speaks more in first 20 minutes of this film, than he has spoken in any entire film before now. He’s a bit naïve, kind of silly and whimsical….none of the things you expect with Eastwood. It is quite a performance. The supporting cat is good, and the story is just this side of believable (thug “based” on a true tale) . This is a good Christmas movie.

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