Stu’s Reviews #361- “Film” – “The Favourite”

Genre: Film

Grade: B+

Notable People: Olivia Colman, Emma Stone, Rachel Weisz

Title: The Favourite

Review: Very dark comedy-drama film surrounding the reign of Queen Anne (An excellent Colman, known for her turn in the BBC/Netflix TV drama, Broadchurch) of England in the early 18th century. Magnificent cinematography and period costumes set the tone for the disturbing look on two extraordinarily manipulative woman vying for the ear, affection and power of the mercurial and sickly Queen. Stone and Weisz are both riveting in their conniving and seductive roles. Not a very flattering portrait of the men of the Court, who are pawns of the women’s power plays and seductiveness. Dragged a bit with a certain level of predictability but the acting is top notch and the story compelling.

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