Stu’s Reviews #376- Book – “Shelter from the Storm”- Tony Dunbar

Genre: Book

Grade: A-

Notable People: Tony Dunbar

Title: Shelter form the Storm

Review: These Tubby Dubonnet mysteries are the bomb…..especially if you are a lover of all things N’Awlins. Dunbar gets more wacked – out in each of the series, and this one is an absolutely wild ride; taking place in the midst of Mardi Gras during the storm of the century- that he wrote before, and is a harbinger of, Katrina. I’m thinking if indexing these books to note places to eat and visit for my next trip to The Easy. Dunbar, who happens to be a practicing New Orleans attorney, is a wonderful writer, and his characters are vivid and very dead on for his locale. I read this book in a couple of sittings..…and could have read it straight through in one. Long live Tubby.

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