Peaking Mud Season in the Greens


“Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?”………………………………………………….Charles Bukowski

“Your singing and dancing is none other than the voice of the Dharma”……………………………………………………………………….Hakuin

“Chaos often breeds life when order breeds habit”…………………………………………………………………………………………………………Henry Adams

“Jewish triathlon-
gin rummy, then contract bridge,
followed by a nap”…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Haikus for Jews

Duelin’ Schmattas: Quinn and Sloane

A Week in the Mountains

Sunday- Dry….into the 50s….picked up the remaining piles of tree detritus….got all yard machines running on first shot (a miracle), retrieved some of our winter- fostered house plants from the goniffs of Mt. Holly…..assessed the level of standing water on the property through which one can wade out in, stared at THE Pond, picked up The Jewish Fish Monger for the Sunday ritual of dinner at the fabulous East in Rutland (Roast Duck with Pine Nuts(, watched the dwindling magnificence of Game of Thrones

Monday- first sunshine in two weeks-almost 70 degrees….put on our bathing suits…..The Queen uses her fem wiles to re-grease the Bo-Bee and get town road crew to pick up all our dead tree piles and put them in the shredder….Stu hits the slopes of Okemo for first outside jogging of the season…Two people in the Spring House gym building today….which seems like a crowd…Blue skies comes for weekly coffee klatch visit and wonders why fireplace is not crackling in living room for her visit…catch up on local winter yenta-isms…. Java Baba week’s lunch visit # 1…..Folk club in the Library basement….fading Celtics lose again….

Tuesday- Raining and 43….don’t count your chickens, etc.….took morning nap….then headed to Rutland for massive Walmart shop….bought mower sparkplugs for under two dahla….what am I going to do when The Donald fucks up all trade with China (and the rest of the world)….on to Ernie’s Hand Carved, where I sneak off to when the Queen Mother is not along…massive corned beef and pastrami on imported NY rye in this tiny Rutland joint….carved by almost 90 year old Ernie is his big white carving hat….home for second nap of the day….Sox getting hot…..have you seen “Killing Eve” on Hulu?….one of great psychopath killers of all time….running out of heating oil….wearing coats at night in house…..Springtime in Vermont….

Wednesday- starting to all blend together…cannot remember anything that happened with all the mud surrounding us….rainy and 40s…again….blah, blah, blah….went to gym, went to Baba (#2)…took another nap…..Celtics lose again…Sox win again……must have done some work somewhere in there…really… I think I did..

Thursday- play day!!!!!!!spent morning allegedly working….in reality, booking various Marriott excursions to places where it is 70 and sunny… oil delivered for furnace so taking off winter coats in the house…..a little sun and into the 60s…..a heat wave……property is greening despite the arctic temps….so got first semi-mow (around the various flood plains) of season done…. The Queen in her yogic glory on the tractor….headed out midafternoon for Dartmouth for monthly dinner and adult movie….stopped halfway in Downers Corners at the newly re-opened Creamee place for state of the art burgers al fresco….on to the cultural wonder of Dartmouth for very dark indie move, “Little Woods”…then magnificent Thai food in a basement with Asian, Harvard-Dartmouth types ruminating over quantum physics…it’s another world when you cross the Connecticut River….arrived home at 10 to a very unhappy and unfed Lucy (let me dump out every garbage can in the house)….feels like Spring is right around the corner…by, say….July…

Friday- More or less the usual Friday in the mounts……back to rainy and 45…..piddled in the morning….off to the mountain Gym where had the building to myself…..Java Baba #3 for lunch….over the mountain on stately Healdville Road back to Belmont village, stopping at Plew Farm for natures best, free-range, organic, yoga practicing chicken’s, big brown eggs- for free as our reward for Green-Up day last week….down into Belmont, where our favorite post mistress, Nicky, was filling in (she is gone to greener postal service pastures in Windsor, and left us with a series of cantankerous fill ins)….walked in yelling for my daily prize (arrival of a one of many long lost UPS packages)..and Nicky coms storming out of her cage, jumps in my arms and yells …”I am your prize”….only in the mountains….Celtics done…Sox win again (are Yankee fans listening?)…

Saturday- Jen has committed to participate in training to be a horse whisperer, so I am tasked with the usual Saturday market chores…..almost sunny- 40 in morning, but soaring to 60 in the afternoon….Lucy and I make for the Dump, where the Dump-master, Kevin the Walrus, is flirting with a Jen substitute (“I’ve been thinking about you all week”), on to post office (closed by 11 am) and down into Rutland. We stop at the Deere dealer to check out the machine of my drams , whilst Lucy inspects the showroom and the lot, then on to the opening of the outside farmer’s market season where everyone greets Lcuy and she receives a dozen treats from different vendors and cavorts with a myriad of her kin. Ramuntos for the two slice special and finally the grocery, where the Queen has assigned me a list that amounts to a treasure hunt thru the store (organic possum meat?). We arrive home to find Jenn in her shit kicking boots and yard weapons in hand, as the sun has come out. After unpacking the grocery treasures, we work on getting the rest of our yard stuff out of the barn and bunkhouse….and then spend hours trying to clear a walking path through the back barn room…..culminating in the hernia- inducing moving of some 900 pound storage unit that the Queen decided we needed to have last fall… it is then assuredly nap time…awakened, shower, shaved and shined we run down the mountain to Ludlow for Tex-Me at the wildly popular Mojo Café….home late…Sox win again…limp off to bed….

And, that, my friend, was the week that was. Nine hours of sun….average temps: 48 day, 34 night….Spring is in the air…just got our second batch of returning house plants…and getting ready for Ry, Lauren and little Quinn to arrive his afternoon…Stu off to the Marriott this week in the Twin Cities, which is a lot more spring like than here. Sunday- Sunday….

Yeah Boy………Stu

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