Mid Summer Heartland Hiatus

“Hot town summer in the city……back of my neck gettin’ dirty and gritty”………………………………………….John Sebastian

“These ARE the good ol’ days………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Carly Simon

“Ain’t it good to be back home again”……………………………………………………………………………………………………John Denver

Back in the mountains after a ten day surge in the heartland….Saw Sister ‘Jane yesterday at Ry and Lauren’s Pool Party in Cleveland on way back (that means Sloane and Quinn-Lily in one place!!!!!)….Jane says BLOGIN’ A MUST after last week’s absence….so maybe just a little one……..

It was HOT,HOT, HOT….hit 120 heat index last weekend….which sent us out to split wood for five hours……I was so much older then…..I’m younger than that now….

Old houses don’t do well sitting empty in summer heat for four months……managed to get room AC in dormer-bedroom as soon as we hit the home return….and immediately blew all the circuits….

Lawn company decided a quarter of our yard was too wet to mow…..FOR THE WHOLE SUMMER…..so had to get 35 year old unused-for three- years tractor started and show them how it is done….IT WAS A JUNGLE…..good help hard to find…

Lots of Sloane….Lots of music playing….Lots of first season Sopranos on VHS (Really!!!)…since we have no TV or internet (barely any phone service) at the shrine……….

Reunion of 3 out of five of our kid brood from the 80s-90 (my Moon children came to town) ….with new generation of them…went and replicated our traditional Friday nite hide and seek on the Ohio State Oval (Quad)….Sloane very excited by the drama….despite 90 degree plus heat….

Delaware county Juvenile Court (1984-2003) reunion…….WOW…time stood still for an evening….

Birthday dinner for Nave and Suba….for the 32nd straight year…..a tradition like no other…..

Pool Party with both granddaughters at once in the pool……PRICELESS

Quick trip to Toledo for work…and the air conditioned and internet accessed reprieve of the Marriott…….

And…..Condos….YES…looked at bunch of condos….just let me stick my head in the oven…..but Jenn says it’s time to not have TWO 150 year old houses-each with two acres…..to maintain in our Golden Years…..CONDO?????……..REALLY???………………………..

Almost made the trip back without one giant crisis (never happened yet)….but we lost our cat Gracie at the Erie Marriott on way back….spent 45 minutes shouting for her on all four hotel floors and the breakfast nook….and knocking on stranger’s doors…only to find her waiting back in the room….always some kind of hitch….

Got nothin’ more….till next week……


on way back….spent 45 minutes shouting for her on all four hotel floors and the breakfast nook….and knocking on stranger’s doors…only to find her waiting back in the room….always some kind of hitch….

Got nothin’ more….till next week……


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