Waves and Colors

Take me home, mountain roads….and happy Sunday:

“Such stillness
the cries of the cicadas
sink into the rocks”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Basho

“Everything that has a beginning has an ending. Make your peace with that and all will be well.”…………………………………..Jack Kornfield

“When I think about the good things you gave me….I cry like a baby…cry like a baby”……………………………………………………….Dan Penn

ALERT*…ALERT*…..ALERT****…….Photo OVERLOAD- Beach Tripping and Fall foliage-make for too much temptation…sorry about that……….ALERT*………ALERT*…ALERT******

Sundays in the mount….mean a walk and dinner….Fall colors up the Hateful Hill (dirt) Road (really)…and then on to the Pine Hollow Farm and the Jewish Pig Farmer for the last late afternoon picnic diner of the season….The JPF slow cooks his pig meat on a state of the art/super-heated/Gonzo/ slow burner for 90 hours…to die for…the man is a closet Black Southern Baptist at heart……

(Note- pictures go in these spaces between musings-but don’t apparently copy from the e-mail version into the text here- so if you want to see the pix in context-read the e-mail version)

Speaking of late afternoon picnics in late September….been close to 80 all week in the Greens…unheard of this time of year…..shifted this morning to classic Fall chill, illuminating the rapidly Peaking autumnal splendor….Gods Time in the Mount….

Fall Outing time of year…this week was first…left Tuesday morning with no destination in mind….turned right out of homestead and headed for the most likely source of sun and warmth…which led us amazingly to the Coast of Maine (under the rubric of can’t get there from here…we have to drive two and half hours south to head north…damn mountains in the way)……..spent three days traipsing up the Coast- from the NH border, to Kennebunkport and Wells and on up to Rockport….Rachel Carson Nature Preserve (she of Silent Spring), rocky coastline devoid of peeps, smashing waves, small village harbors aglow, and ancient lighthouses….cabin in the woods for night near Kennebunk and a lodge north of Bath for night two…..Papi on the daily hunt for Maine’s best Lobsta Roll and Clam Basket (whilst the Queen ate salads)….is the Ocean a creation for our awe and amusement?

Back Thursday night…up early Friday for the breathtaking morning mist- on the hues of the trees…on the drive over several mountains to South Royalton, for a conference presentation, at the Vermont Law School….took my training group outside in the 75 degree sunshine for the afternoon session….which made me the most popular instructor in Vermont….free standing law school in tiny old hippie village in Central Vermont, nestled in the mountains ….we live in a world of contradictions, no?

Saturday dawned bright and sunny…again…after morning chores we fulfilled obligations of El Presidente/ Queen of the Mt. Holy Community Association to strategically put up posters for the coming Cider Daze extravaganza on Columbus day weekend…traversing several mountain ranges to reach the bucolic country inns in our neck of the woods…with dirt road hike thrown in…stumbling upon the homestead of the organic/Southern Baptist/ postmodern hippie couple who sell their home grown grass fed swine at the farmers market….and have now begun a major Hemp growing operation….dirt road walks lead to strange encounters…..

Returned home in time to greet out latest Airbnb guests…an Indian couple (dots, not feathers) from San Jose, with their 20 month old daughter and ancient auntie an uncle….Baby Mira spent 12 hours chasing Lucy around the house, while we came home from a trip to town to a scented house of Masala and assorted Vegan Indian curry cooking….sent them on a fall foliage hunt this morning, and made a trip down the hill to see the Jamaicans (a very cultural morning), who have now moved in furniture to their budding summer estate…….

….and now….it is REST TIME…before w start all over again………See ya Besties…..


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