Last Dance 2019


“Having precise ideas of often leads a man to doing nothing” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..Socrates

“The torch of doubt and chaos….this is what the Sage steers by”………………………………………………………………………………………………….Chuang- Tzu

“Those were the days my friend..…I thought they’d never end”…………………………………………………………………………………………………….Mary Hopkin

Sunday morning 9 am….November 3rd

There’s a light……..some kind of light……that shines its light on me……I want my life to be…..You don’t know what it’s like… don’t know what it’s like…….The time has one…..bittersweet endings approach…and Cowtown beckons….Thursday it is!…the end of another season of wanderlusts and Mountain Zen life……..but…not yet…..

It really seems like it is time to go….the leaves are gone…and it’s officially Stick Season on the Mount…restaurants are closed, people are hibernating…we can see the road from our house with no foliage…a stark kind of beauty, in reality….and getting’’ mighty cold…

Our delightful weekend with Ry, Lauren and The Mighty Quinn ended last Sunday night with a Full Monte Vermont fireside dinner in the rarely used living room that is the Walter and Karen Shrine (unchanged since the day they left the house to us )…..then Monday morning they were off to the heartland….

The last week has been a blur with a series of “lasts”….transitions suck….REALLY…but we are relatively on top of it……So…..Endings are what we are currently about….went to a cocktail party , hosted by The Queen last night….to honor the retiring Queen Emeritus of the community association…..filled with locals we usually don’t see or interact with….Friday night was our final trip to the beloved East, the most elegant of Asian emporium’s, for one last dinner date with TJFM…who we will miss greatly as he continues his ongoing battle with serious illness….

And packing, organizing, lists galore, arrangements….that is who we are right now…….this will be short, by necessity….will there be more?….who knows….Is winter life as Snowbirds to Ohio Blog worthy?….only your hairdresser knows for sure….

But tonight…. is our last hurrah….eighteen of our nearest and dearest gathering here for the annual Friendsgiving supper…..and They will ALL be here……so in honor of that…and of the impending leave…..I will be posting tonight a photo gallery of BLOG character credits with photos after The Soiree….as I know you have waited for years with baited breaths to see what the cast of Vermont Ramble look like in real life (or maybe surreal life)….

So put my symbolic pen down for last Sunday preparations, last visit to The Dump, making friend deposits, the post office box…..and to see the bare trees….and he will finish this post later tonight…after The Soiree, with the inclusion of The Gallery….

Suffice it to say….I will miss The Weekly Sermon from the Mount….and now sign off from The Inn at Scum Pond…until we meet again……….

Happy trails to you,

Ferlin’/Papi/Chuck/Dad/Cuz/Uncle/ TCJ/Skippy

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