Up at four….90 year old taxi man comes up the mountain right to my cottage to take me to tiny airport in Grenada….board fight to Barbados to then sit for three hours to board second flight to St. Vincent…but they change flight plan and land in St. Vincent first-so then have to talk my way off the plane and convince someone to get my bag off….quite the negotiation… the result was that I arrived at little resort by the sea before 9 am….after a wild locomotive ride from the airport…barely missing sending many of the goats and sheep along the road….to meet their maker….which is just as well, since I dined on one of them tonight…

The Beachcomber’s Resort is tucked in a little bay on the south end of the island….not quite the accommodations I had in Grenada…more a hotel room deal….but a gorgeous property…with pool and sea fifty yards from my door…

Th rest of the day went…..breakfast, ocean, pool…..lunch….work, nap…..ocean, pool….work….dinner…with harrowing walk to nearby tiny town fit in, in blazing sun and lunatic drivers honking at me at every turn….and on the wrong side of the road I might add….it is so British that even the natives speak with a Brit accent….very formal…when I walk into the office…all the women behind the desk immediately jump upright….

There is a cool little boardwalk along the seaside that you have to periodically get off and walk through the tide….and many Rastas….all of whom offered to take me home and share the goods (even with my buzz cut, they seemed to infer I was of their ilk)…

Lots of fish to see in the water, even without my snorkel, which my beloved convinced me I did not need to bring…

And Christmas….these people are nuts…endless loop of Jingle Bell Rock playing and the like…and the dining room decked out with Christmas placemats, candles tree and lights…they are all in….

Last time I was in SV was on a Windjammer cruise with Tess…when she literally hurtled off a cliff into a small pool of water…while all the cruisers watched in horror…..less drama this time…..

Off tomorrow for big day in Kingston capitol…they are sending the military out to pick me up in the morning…..

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