Mid-winter Bonus

Been sending nightly dispatches to the family on my Caribbean project travels…and thought… what the hey…should put them on the BLOG….so here’s all of the last week’s…WHY NOT?

Want to keep up with Papi????…here’s the brief synopsis…

CMH at 6 am for flight to Miami…the on to Granada….uneventful….arrived at Grenada (GRUN-NAY-DA)….around 3:30 local time (hour ahead of EST) and emerged to 86 degree steam…..found old taxi-man…spoke some kind of English though I could not get a word of it….hotel eight minutes away……Blue Horizon Guest Cottages…very cute and three mutes from the majestic Grand Anse Beach…600 yards of pristine white sand….Cottages sit on 6 ¼ acre bid sanctuary with 27 species of tropical birds, who will likely keep me up all night…..Had drinks with two local juvenile justice ministry ladies…one of whom was probably is a recent Miss Granada….then a very slow dinner by the pool (island time)…big doings down the road with thousands of Grenadians arriving for lighting of Christmas lights and fireworks….went out to take a peak and fell in a ditch of typhoid quality sewage water (like father, like son )…with all my good clothes on I had worn to dinner…spent last hour making cottage filthy with residue of scum and took three showers….cannot imagine how my shit is going to dry in this heat…including my tennis shoes..

And this is …just…. Day One!!!

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