Papi’s Big Adventure- Day Seven- More St. Lucia-ville

Caveat……….had dinner with the rum punches of all rum punches with my Fish………………………so….incoherence………

Papi was good today…. rose at 7….. and went to the tiny gym building for workout and 2-mile jog through the empty streets of Rodney Bay…

Then on to the massive breakfast buffet (included)….poached eggs on toast, bacon, plantains, tuna salad, fruit cup, pancakes…lasted me the whole day…skipped lunch altogether….

Brits all eating baked beans, grilled tow-mah-toes and kippers….ugggh…

From there it was on to 3 mile walk along the unbelievably touristed beach…check out the chairs…..and then back to villa…to do nothing for rest of day….napped, pool, read, filled out the start of my fed travel reimbursement forms (will need a CPA to fill this in)…figured out why so many Brits here…apparently this hotel is part of British airways package…I may be the only Yank for miles around….which seems to make every Rasta feel the need to approach me…to ask “do you need anything, mon”?…wondering what the scope of that is?….

What am l going to do for two more full days and nights?….considering a three-bus trip to Volcano tomorrow….after my new best Rasta friend (Simonet) gave me the lay of the land…and I gave him Bunty Station on YouTube

Dinner included 20 minutes of face making with 2-year-old in high chair…she loved Papi….

Lots of Creole woman servants here…and all have really long legs….form fitting white blouses…. and tapered tiny black skirts…old guy dream,…one winked at me tonight and asked where I was staying….but Papi be good…

Am all caught up….did laundry in sink….all expense accounting,…e-mails for next site (Antiqua)….and several hate e-mails to the morons in Washington…..

All I got…..

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