Papi’s Big Adventure- Day Nine- Trekking through St. Lucia

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,

If I hear this one more time……postal…….

Learned that it really is Cair-Rah Bee-In…..not…. Carib- be- in…and everywhere I went today they had impeachment hearings on radio and tv….do we listen to what is going on in SL?…

Went to three banks and countless stops to try and get someone to change US 20’s to smaller bills….no go….I don’t want the EC currency since you get stuck with it….no changing back….ever…

No run this am—ankles too sore after two days of hills-so went to sauna- like gym…and then one more fish breakfast….then hot streets to make journey to capitol of Castries…”just take the bus, mon, it easy”….bus is actually a mini-van…twenty of them lined up…and go only when full (for buck)….trip in was fine , about 20 minutes…..but back….oy….jammed in back row between very large Caribs…smoldering for an hour of bumper to bumper….people clearly wondering who the white guy is doing this…

Castries is the REAL Carib…packed with people, dirty, loud, grimy…vendors hawking everywhere….blazing hot streets…giant market place of fish and tchotchkes….two hours of the promise of the real….was enough to decide against the potential 3 hour trek (on the bus) to the volcano…so took the cramped ride home…..jammed by the large woman next to me humming along with every Rasta Christmas song on the radio…and…all the commercial jingles…just like traveling with Jenn…

Back to hotel for a few air-conditioned work hours…and then some pool time…and then a nap…

Had Duo call with Tess and Bebe…..Bebe seemed to say “Papi”….how about THAT…….

A day late- a dollar short…went to fabled Chinese Rest. for (better late than never) Sunday dinner….Peking duck to die for….but bill 2X any other place on the island (Ten bucks extra for rice)…is that the absolute reversal ?…and though Indian dining an adjustment….all black serves in Chinese place almost pushed me over the edge…..dishes we served on little candlelit table warmers to keep them hot…liked that…. was about to leave whew when the DAILY Rain came ….two and a half minutes of hell…then gone….Could not pass up the Chinese, by the way, as it is next to the SJ Chinese Embassy……

Time to pack and get ready for next jaunt….6:30 pickup for the airport…and on to Antiqua….till then…..

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