Stu’s Reviews- #450- Book- “The Guns of August”- Barbara Tuchman

Genre: Book

Grade:  B+/A-

Notable People: Barbara Tuchman

Title: The Guns of August

Review:    1961 Pulitzer Prize winning non- fiction about the horrid first month of World War One- a time that changed the world forever. Tuchman is kw is the recognized historian of that war to end all wars, and published at least a half dozen different volumes on it…this one typically a whopping 500 pages. Full disclosure- this is not my cup of tea…had a very hard keeping up with the Von somethings and Sir somethings and the difference between corps, divisions and units. Still, there is something special about this effort that so carefully narrates the day by day, hour by hour story of a time that most definitely changed the world was we know it Well and insightfully written, with a bit of dry humor….it still took me two months to read this book, with many thoughts of putting it back on the shelf and just claiming to have read it. I read three other books in between. But, you will find that people are really impressed if you tell them that you are reading this….  

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