Another week in the time of Corona

Greetings fellow travelers:

Hope everyone is having a good holiday weekend…the official start to the Bizarro summer…. drove over to babysit Bebe yesterday and every restaurant parking lots were full, traffic was huge, and the parks we overflowing with cars and people…. guess we’re officially back to normal now…. are we nuts or what………we are preparing to flee to the mountain remoteness in the next few weeks…before The Apocalypse…and it is or constitutional right to not give a shit about anyone else….do you feel me?

So- really, what is there to say…. we eat, we drink, we sleep, we work on both houses, we pay the bills, make a few calls to stay in touch, binge watch serial TV, mow one yard, then mow the other yard, paint, prime, stain, fix things…. then start over…breaks to be Nana and Papi a few times a week…and that’s all she wrote…………………

Esoteric fact of the week…the passing of Ken Osmond…. the infamous Eddie “you look lovely today, Mrs. Beaver” Haskell……you have to be of an age for this one…

Feelin fine, the world’s all mine,

Early mornin’ chills, I still can get my thrills.

That woman’s Baa-aa-aad…. The Best I ever had.

I’m gonna get me to the graveyard on time…now,

I write poems, but none of them rhyme …. now.

No more side roads, I’ll go on the main line…now,

Can’t you tell that I’m feelin’ just fine…wow, wow, wow, wow…………………………………………………………….” Ten to One” ……………………….1976, Columbus, Ohio

Match The Quotes Time-  

  1. “I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix….”
  2. “The truth is more important than the facts
  3. “I think most people would understand what I would think about the current American President’s handling of the Pandemic, but it’s probably better sometimes not to say it.”
  4. “One day…it is like a miracle…it will just disappear”
  5. “Book ‘em…Dan-O”
  6. “Here and now, boys…. here and now”
  7. Pipe dreams and fantasy schemes, it never turns out quite the way it seems…The faster you run, it’s just that much longer to go”
  1. Aldous Huxley
  2. Ferlin’ Norris
  3. Alan Ginsburg
  4. Yak Lord
  5. The Donald
  6. Tony Blair
  7. Frank Lloyd Wright

And that’s all I got………………….Stay….Safe….


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