Stu’s Reviews- #482- TV Series- ” Bordertown” – Netflix- 3 Seasons

Genre: TV Series    

Grade: A-/B+

Notable People: Ville Virtanen, Anu Sinisalo, Olivia Ainali, Created by: Miikko Oikkonen

Title: Bordertown

Review:   Very, very quirky show about a Finnish mystic/detective living in remote Finland, on the Russian border (ergo the title). Virtanen is brilliant as the very disturbed, ineffectual, post traumatic detective who has visions and is aided by his late wife. His adventures in fatherhood are priceless. The show runs in cycle stories of 2-4 episodes. Probably not for everyone. Kari (the main character) is hard to watch at times, the stories can move very slow and it is in Finnish. Often bleak. But I find it very thought provoking, a uniquely different culture and highly entertaining. Worth a shot.

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